Hack It
Many shows, though, perpetuate the myths around DPI by requiring images to have a particular value, such as 300 or 72 DPI. The DPI value can be viewed in an image’s file properties, so if you’re concerned that your entry might be disqualified because of the DPI—hack it.
Click on the video (above) to watch the lesson. Open the Lesson Guide (button below) for a transcript of the video. It has space to make notes and a worksheet if you download and print a copy.
The short worksheet at the end of the Lesson Guide will help you with changing the DPI for one of your images. Complete the worksheet with the editing software or app open in front of you.
Open the forum discussion (button below) and reply with your questions about hacking the DPI. If you’re having trouble changing the DPI of an image, reply in the forum with the name of the editing software or app and describe the problem. One of your fellow students or I will try to assist you. I encourage you to reply with any other questions or comments about the lesson, too.
Once you’re finished, use the button below to mark the lesson complete (click it again to mark the lesson as incomplete). Use the buttons at the bottom to go to the next lesson, the previous lesson, or the lesson index.